It grows best in areas where annual daytime temperatures are within the range 22 35c, but can tolerate 12 45c. Vetiver is a lowcost, efficient plant, used in over 100 countries, for soil and water conservation, infrastructure stabilization, pollution control, waste water treatment, mitigation, and many other bioengineering applications. The exploitation of various plant materials for the. The roots of this grass were placed among clothing to repel insects and add a pleasant smell to the closet a perfume is made from the roots. Vetiver grass chrysopogon zizanioides 10 live rooted crowns for propagation currently unavailable. It is a dense and clumping plant with erect and stiff stems that reaches upto 5 feet in. Doan chi cuong1, vo van minh1 and paul truong2 1da nang university, vietnam. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading. In india, this grass is found throughout the plains, lower hills and on the riverbanks and in rich marshy soil. The record derives from wcsp data supplied on 20120323 which reports it as a synonym record 393649 with original publication details.
Moras, andropogon zizanioides, vetiver, yan lan cao. The extensive, thick and deep root system with a ten. This article is within the scope of wikiproject plants, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of plants and botany on wikipedia. Khus khus is used to create a tonic bath, which is the reason why it is often included in high quality soaps. This tough grass usually grows to one meter in height although it can grow higher and forms clumps 600 900 mm wide. Indian journal of natural products and resources vol. Vetivergrass is deeply rooted and doesnt interfere with the growth of most crops.
The record derives from wcsp data supplied on 20120323 which reports it as an accepted name record 405169 with original publication details. A frequent source of confusion among users of vetiver grass is finding some documents and references giving the plants scientific name as vetiveria zizanioides and others using the name chrysopogon zizanioides. Efficient system for soil conservation and erosion management. Chrysopogon zizanioides is a species in the genus chrysopogon which contains approximately 49 to 52 species and belongs to the family of the poaceae grass family. Nonnative can refer to species brought in from other continents, regions, ecosystems and even other habitats. Chrysopogon zizanioides mounts botanical garden palm beach county, florida dsc03678. Chrysopogon zizanioides in world checklist of selected plant families. Information about vetiver grass chrysopogon zizanioides. While every effort has been made to provide the most reliable and uptodate information available, ultimate legal requirements with respect to species are contained in.
This plant is the main component to all vetiver system bioengineering and soil conservation. Rajagopalan abstract diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. Chrysopogon zizanioides sunshine vetiver a selection of vetiver that is an evergreen grass that grows in dense erect clumps to 4 to 5 feet tall by 3 to 4 feet wide with narrow rigid upwardlygrowing leaves that are often bent downwards at a steep angle 1 to 2 feet from the tip. Vetiver grass vetiveria zizanioides, also known as chrysopogon zizanioides, is a graminaceous plant native to tropical and subtropical india. Uprooting resistance of vetiver grass vetiveria zizanioides.
Plant details information about chrysopogon zizanioides. Evaluation of antidiabetic effects of chrysopogon zizanioides linn root extracts in streptozotocin induced diabeteic wistar rats g. Ecological impact of vetiver in foreign environments richard grimshaw obe chairman, the vetiver network abstract organisms are considered non native when they occur artificially in locations beyond their known historical natural ranges. Vetiver grass is the key element in a low cost and efficient system, used in nearly 100 countries, for soil and water conservation, infrastructure stabilization, pollution control, waste water treatment, mitigation and rehabilitation, sediment control, prevention of storm damage and many other environmental protection applications through bioengineering and phytoremediation. Chrysopogon zizanioides aqueous extract mediated synthesis. Plants profile for vetiveria zizanioides vetivergrass. This species is distinguished by its strong and extensive root system which can descend 5 m under tropical conditions.
Vetiver grass plants chrysopogon zizanioides 5plant. However, it is not a legal authority for statutory or regulatory purposes. Chrysopogon zizanioides, commonly known as vetiver, is a perennial bunchgrass of the family poaceae, native to india vetiver is most closely related to sorghum but shares many morphological characteristics with other fragrant grasses, such as lemongrass cymbopogon citratus, citronella cymbopogon nardus, c. Chrysopogon zizanioides aqueous extract mediated synthesis characterization of crystalline silver and gold nanoparticles for biomedical applications kantha d arunachalam, sathesh kumar annamalai center for environmental nuclear research, directorate of research, srm university, chennai, tamil nadu, india abstract. Chrysopogon zizanioides is a grass plant growing close together and grows up to 150 cm. See more ideas about soil conservation, grass and plants. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the discussion and see a list of open tasks. Vetiver grass chrysopogon zizanioides is a native of south india. Pdf zusammenfugen online pdf dateien zusammenfugen. Chrysopogon zizanioides for vegetative barriers because it is stiff and dense, making it a good filter. Unlike most grasses which form spreading mat like root systems, vetivers strong, fibrous, binding roots go down between four and six meters. Vertiveria zizanioides vertiver grass was planted in 2003 on mine waste heaps as a cover crop to prevent soil erosion and improve soil quality figures 23.
Moras, andropogon zizanioides, vetiver, yan lan cao herbal medicine an illustrated compilation of philippine medicinal plants by dr godofredo umali stuart with botanical information, chemical properties, folkloric uses and medicinal research studies. Native to the indian subcontinent, indochina planted to stabilize soils very deep roots used in basket and matweaving. They have a erect habit and have an upright habit, the main. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the creative commons cc0 license. Vetiverkhus khus vetiveria zizanioides information and uses khus grass is known by many names such as khas khas, khus, vetiver and usheerusira ayurveda. Feb 21, 20 a collection of quality pictures of vetiver grass chrysopogon zizanioides in action around the world. Vetiver, with scientific name as chrysopogon zizanioides, is the genus of plants in the grass family poaceae. Leaf sheaths glabrous, lower sharply keeled and imbricate in fanlike clusters. Chrysopogon zizanioides sunshine at san marcos growers. Our pdf merger allows you to quickly combine multiple pdf files into one single pdf document, in just a few clicks. Browse pictures and read growth cultivation information about vetiver root, khus khus chrysopogon zizanioides supplied by member gardeners in the plantfiles database at daves garden. Srisatit t, sengsai w 2003 chromium removal efficiency by vetiveria zizanioides and vetiveria nemoralis in constructed wetlands for tannery post treatment wastewater. Chrysopogon zizanioides an overview sciencedirect topics.
A pharmacological overview article pdf available in international research journal of pharmacy 47. In addition, it finds an application in combat lice as well. Vetivergrass is a perennial bunch grass with many uses. Chrysopogon zizanioides vetiver grass as a potential. The board of trustees of the royal botanic gardens, kew. It is the only vetivergrass recommended by nrcs and landgrant universities for use in the nrcs pacific islands area. A taxonomic genus within the family poaceae certain grasses. Vetiver chrysopogon zizanioides propiedades medicinales.
Media in category chrysopogon zizanioides the following 46 files are in this category, out of 46 total. Vetiver, with scientific name as chrysopogon zizanioides, is the genus of plants in the grass essential oils 6. Chrysopogon zizanioides vetiver grass as a potential plant for landslide bioengineering at atok, benguet, philippines article in australian journal of botany 6334. We dont know when or if this item will be back in stock. Visit for vetiver grass plants for usa and its territories. The grasses reach heights of 1,5 to 3 metres and are comparatively fastgrowing and shortlived.
Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Sunshine is the domesticated type from south india and must be propagated asexually because it is nonfertile. Chrysopogon zizanioides is a plant of the tropics, where it is found at elevations up to 2,500 metres. It is a boon for individuals suffering from rheumatism, arthritis, gout, muscular aches, dryness and cracking of skin etc. Nash recentemente reclassificado como chrysopogon zizanioides l. Itis taxonomy is based on the latest scientific consensus available, and is provided as a general reference source for interested parties. Pdf chrysopogon zizanioides aqueous extract mediated. Dieses kostenlose tool erlaubt es mehrere pdfs oder bilddateien miteinander zu einem pdfdokument zu verbinden. Roberty is an accepted name this name is the accepted name of a species in the genus chrysopogon family poaceae. The vetiver system is used in soil conservation and many other bioengineering applications. Truong p, xia hp eds proceedings of the third international conference on vetiver and exhibition. It is a densely tufted, perennial grass that is considered sterile outside its natural habitat.
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